jueves, 6 de mayo de 2021

I will compose, arrange and orchestrate your jazz, classical music


Nicolas Posternak

About This Gig

Arranging service includes transcription of an arrangement from an existing recording, as well as the creation of a completely new one. Scores can be recorded i, or for larger projects such as those involving orchestra, a commercial studio of good quality is recommended. 

Music for live ensembles, such as:

- Chamber Music

- Big Band

- Full Symphony Orchestra

Song arrangement

Our acclaimed team of arrangers will create an appealing and professional demo or master song arrangement that will keep listener’s attention and tell the story of your song.

Orchestral arrangement

Whether you need a full orchestra arrangement or arrangements for strings, brass or woodwind sections, our orchestral arrangements are guaranteed to delight.

Cinematic & theatre arrangements

Creating arrangements for movies, theatre plays and musicals requires highly skilled team that knows the craft and feels the art.

domingo, 15 de julio de 2012

Transcripcion del Solo de Juancho Farias Gomez de bajo en el tema de Luis Salinas ¨Chacarera para Adolfo Abalos¨ que forma parte del CD Musica Argentina editado en el 2003
Adaptacion de Moncho Sapukai Obra de Antonio Tarrago Ros a Bajo Solista

sábado, 14 de julio de 2012